arpeggio - a chord played one note at a time in ascending or descending order
augmented - a chord using the 1st, flat (♭) 3rd, and flat (♭) 5th notes from a major scale
barre chord - a common, movable guitar chord using one finger to fret multiple strings at the same time
chord - a group of specific notes from a major scale played together
dominant 7 - a major chord using the flat (♭) 7th note of the major scale
flat (♭) - the note one half step, or semitone, down from the original note
inverted chord - a chord where the notes are swapped into a different order of the same notes
key - a group of chords based on the notes of a scale
major chord - a chord using the root (1st), 3rd, and 5th notes from a major scale
minor chord - a chord using the root (1st), 3rd flat (♭), and 5th notes from a major scale
moveable chord - a guitar chord form that can be moved up and down the fret board
open chord - a chord played with one or more strings played open without any fretted notes on the fretboard
power chord - a guitar chord using the root note and 5th note of a major scale, also known as a 5th chord. Power chords are neither major or minor because they don't use a 3rd
progression - an order chords are played together based on their chord key
triad - a chord using the (intervals of 3) first, third, and fifth notes of a major scale